About Us
What is Hospice?
Hospice is a patient and family-centered program designed to provide compassionate care and services to patients facing terminal illness.

Who pays for Hospice?
Medicare, Medical, and most HMO Plans can cover hospice. You have the option of also paying privately.

Am I eligible for hospice care benefit?
To be eligible for hospice, you must meet the following criteria:
Your Primary Physician and Hospice Medical Director has certified that you have terminal illness with limited life expectancy of less than six months.
Your Primary Physician authorizes Hospice Care.
You choose to focus physical, emotional and spiritual comfort rather than curative measures.

The Difference at
Blessed Hope Hospice Inc.
At Blessed Hope Hospice, Inc. our care is patient centered. We place a high value on dignity, respect, and the wishes of our patients. The quality of services provided is what differentiates us from other agencies.
Our compassionate staff aims to look after the medical, social, emotional, and psycological needs as well as the spiritual beliefs of each and their families. Ensuring the most comfortable end of life experience possible.

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